For Your Company – How much do you depend on Google? ~KM

Jake used to get his searches for free....
Jake used to get his searches for free….

The Value of Internet Searches

This is something to think about in relation to how organizations use external search tools.  This doesn’t apply to Google alone and I am not stating that Google will in fact charge us for search.  I am asking what would happen if they did.  I am also wondering out loud what the impact would be if they charged a subscription?   We live in interesting times, where water costs more than soda even though the water we get out of our tap may be better quality.   Communication apps are selling for BILLIONS of dollars while communication companies can’t make a buck.    More money is invested in technology companies on tech that entertains us over tech that would save us and heal us.   It is very possible that our personal and professional relationship with companies like Yahoo, Google, Microsoft and others could change and that our reliance on these companies could give them the leverage to charge for searches.   Why not?  Just a thought..   Better yet.. What would that do to the knowledge base of your business?


Innovative Company A with Super Awesome Brilliant Employees

Fred: Hey George!  How do you flig flam the whatsamazzoozit? 

George: Ehh.. I dunno..  Let me google that…


What just happened here happens ALL THE TIME in companies and organizations all over the world.   What would happen if Google AND other search companies decided to realize their magical hold on us?

  • Are you prepared to function holistically without an external search capability?
  • What is the value of Google and/or Bing, Yahoo, Dogpile, Refdesk etc?
  • What does this capability or this knowledge base represent in terms of support to your organization?
  • How would your staff manage less Google?
  • Would you pay for a subscription license to search the internet?

More over

  • How does external search create NEW capability and NEW opportunities for your organization?
  • Should these search companies get a piece of new business because they helped you get it?
  • What if they decide that this is something they want to do?

Even if you have a closed organization and you have great concerns for sharing corporate intelligence this does not impact the requirement or the desire of staff to consume data from the outside.

When **cough** I mean if this happens.. what will you do?