The Network will Help

If you’ve been released from your job, no matter the reason, you will go through a period and process of transition. I hear people say they don’t know what they want to do next. I hear people say they don’t understand their value. I hear people say they don’t know where to start. Moses Cohen […]

Leader Psychopath, Fear or Abundance

He wanted to know and understand the details of why post-acquisition, we weren’t going to use the acquiring company’s systems and technologies immediately for business. He was screaming and yelling and saying that “I imagine your head being cut off right now.” The answer to his question was very simple. The acquiring company did not […]

The Global Impact Games

Millions of people watch football, soccer, basketball and other sports. The popularity and interest in sports is truly second to none when it comes to the attention of people around the world. The energy, the hope, the stories of people pushing themselves to the limits and beyond. Young men and women coming up from the […]

When Too Much is Too Much : War Narratives

Boundaries Human \ Boundaries Law / Boundaries The world is in trouble because we collectively don’t work together and we don’t remember our history. As long as human beings have been putting blood to paper, there has been war. People see what they want and if abundance doesn’t help those with full bellies, they want to take […]

Our Orphan Annie

1977 saw the release of the musical Annie which was produced by Thomas Meehan very loosely based on the comic strip from 1924 by Harold Gray. The musical was proposed to Meehan by Martin Charnin over 51 years ago as an answer to the mood of society during the Nixon era. Admittedly, I never gave this musical, […]

All the Friday’s Written

If you’ve read my posts over the years, you know that I write on Sundays most of the time. It is a good day for this routine part of my life when I take intentional time to learn and share thoughts about almost any topic. What you may not know is that I also write […]

Pulling Threads of Light – Reflection on RLF

The last Rising Leadership Forum (RLF) session I attended drove me to think about the journey inward.  I reflected on the lessons, sessions and the people as I watched them. Standing at the edge of a journey towards the unknown. It takes courage to strip down in front of a mirror and look at yourself. It takes […]