The Network will Help

If you’ve been released from your job, no matter the reason, you will go through a period and process of transition. I hear people say they don’t know what they want to do next. I hear people say they don’t understand their value. I hear people say they don’t know where to start. Moses Cohen […]

On a Trip to the Flip

Recently, I traveled to Australia to visit family. I took a few weeks off from writing, blogging and posting. It was an important and transformational trip. I have a brother in Melbourne. We had different parents, and we didn’t grow up in the same house or hemisphere, but he is my brother, nonetheless. When we […]

Leader Psychopath, Fear or Abundance

He wanted to know and understand the details of why post-acquisition, we weren’t going to use the acquiring company’s systems and technologies immediately for business. He was screaming and yelling and saying that “I imagine your head being cut off right now.” The answer to his question was very simple. The acquiring company did not […]

Authenticity – Elastic Plastic Broken Glass & F33lz

Disclaimer: Contemplating Controversy The thoughts and ideas expressed in this post may traverse controversial terrain. However, it’s essential to recognize that they exist here purely for intellectual exploration. They do not necessarily reflect the author’s personal beliefs or endorse any specific viewpoint. Rather, they serve as catalysts for critical thinking and open dialogue. As readers, […]

The Global Impact Games

Millions of people watch football, soccer, basketball and other sports. The popularity and interest in sports is truly second to none when it comes to the attention of people around the world. The energy, the hope, the stories of people pushing themselves to the limits and beyond. Young men and women coming up from the […]

When Too Much is Too Much : War Narratives

Boundaries Human \ Boundaries Law / Boundaries The world is in trouble because we collectively don’t work together and we don’t remember our history. As long as human beings have been putting blood to paper, there has been war. People see what they want and if abundance doesn’t help those with full bellies, they want to take […]