
Since the CEO of Netflix sent me a letter directly which is also in his blog post I believe I can comment on this here.   Here is my response. Dear Reed Hastings, Co-Founder and CEO, Netflix, I am not sure why you sent me a letter today.   You didn’t resolve or change anything for me. […]


There are times for all of us that events occur and we recognize them and put them together because of the relationships or context. I don’t normally blog about these situations for me personally because I feel that it is difficult to accurately and effectively convey the events in meaningful way. In other words I […]

Why it can’t always be about the Developer

What came first the developer or the requirement? I work with people who develop software and web services.  I consider them artists.   They come from all walks of life and their canvas is the integrated development environment.   Integrators and project leads can come from this developer community.  Most IT leaders will have some history writing […]